So, where to start... Football ended well. After a hard fought game with some of the craziest weather conditions I've ever seen, we bowed out of the playoffs to St. Anthony. The loss hurt, but the email we got from the head coach of St. Anthony going on and on about how "different" our team is was incredible. I'm very proud of our young men. They handled more adversity then most teams with great integrity and maturity.
One of the coolest things that happened during the season was my wife's growth in perspective of football. Now, she's still working on how a safety can get an interception and be worth two points, but she's learning. As the season progressed, however, she saw how much more coaching and the game of football is than wins and losses. So much so that after one of our games later in the season she told me that I'm required to coach again next season and for the foreseeable future. She also saw that coaching is truly a ministry, not only to the players, but parents as well. Here's what I'm most proud of Jess for pertaining to football though. As the season went on, she became attached to our players. She picked up on the positions I coached and would cheer for them during the games. She picked out "favorite" players and would be interested in how they were doing not only on the field but in life. She would spend time in the stands talking with moms which is HUGE because if you want to know the character of a coach, you talk to his wife. She truly loves our guys, to the point that she may be more sad then I am to see some of our seniors leave. In fact, she even got on me to do my best to talk some of them into going to NWC so we can continue to watch them play. Jessie is a great coaches wife. She may not know the game well, but she's the best kind of coaches wife. She sees that the long, underpaid hours I put in are an investment for both of us into the lives of not only these young men, but to their current and future families. So, thank you, Jess, for being a great wife! I look forward to many, many seasons coming home to you and charting tackles together!
Integrity Fitness & Performance is quickly picking up! We signed a lot of clients at the end of December and look to sign a few more as we go along, obviously. Another thing I love about my wife and feel so blessed she's on the Team with me is that while yes we need to make money to survive, we really do what we do to help people. That same love she shows for our football team, she shows for our clients. She asks me how to pray for them, asks me how they are progressing, and celebrates with me when they make gains on their goals.
Over the summer we found a church to call home in Hudson, Faith Community Church. In fact, we go to a kind of off-shoot service called The Well. It's a great fit for us as it is full of young families in a similar stage of life that we are. I'm a big fan of the preaching as they speak the truth of the Bible without glossing over the parts that may not be popular to preach in our current culture, like gender roles and what the Bible has to say about divorce. Jess LOVES the music, which means I like it because I like my wife. I think the best part of our new church home is that we have such an opportunity to serve.
As you can expect, I'm working with the sr. high. It's been a blessing, as always, because I have a group of freshmen. That means I have four years to build a relationship before they're off to college. That responsibility truly weighs on me. I'm often reminded of the young men that I had as a small group ten years ago st Eagle Brook and how encouraging it is to now see the type of young men that Nate, Jon, and Dan have turned out to be.
Jess has gone for the younger crowd and is helping with AWANA. I'm happy to see her serve and enjoy hearing about her girls. She also has been attending a monthly get together for the ladies of the church, which, if you know Jess is a big step for her. A step that she has taken with great success and received much joy from.
As a couple, we are expanding our friend circle. I'm continually amazed that there is always room for people to share life with. What's really cool is that the friends we're making are apart of the ministries that we work with. After years of having friends, I've learned that there is just a special connection with the friends that you serve the Lord with.
To wrap up the "church" section of this latest Team Rojas installment, we have decided that being broke sucks and it's time to do something about it. Because we want to use the money and resources that God has given us in a way that glorifies Him, we are taking Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University through our church. It's been amazing! We just sat down this weekend for our first Team Rojas Budget Committee Meeting and instead of a long "discussion" on where money should go, I was encouraged at how much we were on the same page. It was also encouraging to see that we're doing a lot better then we thought, and with some focus and guidance we'll be financially set with in the foreseeable future.
Well, thanks for stopping by and reading up on us! For real, I hope to make this a more regular thing than once every several months, but it's a growing process so stick with me!
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